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Triple Side Sea View Room

3 persons   1 double and 1 single bed
Rooms’ Capacity:
2 adults in a double bed. 1 adult in a single bed

Minimum Stay:
In some periods there is a limitation of minimum overnights.

Discounts :
We offer Early Bird, Special Offers, Last Minute Discounts and much more. The amount of a discount depends on the duration of your stay and the booking day.

Board :
Breakfast in Buffet is included. Lunch, Dinner or All inclusive are optional.
  • Double Bedded Room Plus one proper single Bed or Bunk Beds
  • Furnished Balcony with Side Sea View
  • Bathroom
  • Electric Kettle for tea and coffee facilities
  • Mini Fridge
  • Safety Deposit Box
  • Sat TV
  • Radio
  • Telephone
  • Hairdryer
  • Internet access
  • Air-Condition
  • Laundry Service
  • Pool Towels
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Triple Side Sea View Room

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